Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Cranborne Road, Newbold, Chesterfield, S41 8PF

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Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. About Us
  2. Our Church School

Our Church School




'Encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.'

Thessalonians 5:11



Jesus said "Love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you should also love one another."

John 13:34



'Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.' Galatians 6:9

NCS is a Church of England School which actively promotes Christian values and fundamental personal values. Our values-based approach encourages commitment, effort and high standards in all that we do and enables children to discuss, explore and reflect upon those values we live by, which make us thoughtful, caring and responsible citizens.

We explore different Christian values during collective worship and in lessons. Our Worship Team helps to lead collective worship each week to reflect further upon each value. Further information about our value is also shared with parents via an information letter on the school website and School Jotter - meaning that families can join in with celebrating our values at home. 

The RE curriculum at Newbold Church School is based on 'Understanding Christianity'. This programme aims to embed the 'Understanding Christianity' resource with the key purpose of supporting pupils in developing their own thinking and their understanding of Christianity, as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it.

Through the study of other religions we aim is to promote an attitude of understanding and tolerance through increasing children’s knowledge about other people’s beliefs, values and religious practices. 

Our alliance with the Church, St John's Church in particular, is very important to us and we are blessed to have our Reverend Rhoda Blackwell, on the Governing Body. This has ensured that Christian beliefs are at the heart of the school’s work.

We have a daily act of worship at Newbold Church School which we feel is central to the school day. Children participate in this worship through story, drama, prayer and discussion. We say class prayers and a collective worship Prayer daily. This is a strong feature of our worship, and helps our children to prepare themselves to take part in Church Services. Children are also given periods of time for reflection and contemplation. This time for quiet reflection, sometimes using a candle to help focus, helps children to balance and settle their busy minds.

We visit St John's church for services each half term, which link with our Values theme.  We also hold a termly School Mass and invite our community to join with us.  


The Newbold Parish Church and Newbold Church School Partnership

Hello, I’m Revd Rhoda from Newbold Parish Church, St John’s, and I’m also a Governor at the school. It’s my privilege and joy to be the current member of the church clergy working in partnership with the school.

At Newbold Parish Church, we value our long association with the school, seeking to support its Christian ethos and the vision to nurture and cherish all our children to succeed.

We welcome the varied opportunities to visit, resource, share in the life of and support the school within the Curriculum, as foundation Governors of the Governing Body, and to offer pastoral support where requested. We value being able to lead and support the termly School Mass, and are looking to support more children who wish to take Holy Communion before confirmation.

We also look forward to welcoming school to church for School Services, visits as part of the children's curriculum, and events such as Experience Eucharist.

Newbold Church School definition of Spirituality:

Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect


At our school, a key section of our Vision is our commitment to Nurturing and Cherishing others to  develop “love” in its many forms. The development of spirituality is a vital way for us to foster a love of God and a love of one another. We are all encouraged to develop our spirituality through regular meaningful worship, reflection on the joys helping others brings us, a curriculum that encourages questioning with knowledge and a commitment to connecting with the Christian community near and far. Leaders allow for this to happen through deliberate planning, environmental considerations and developing a Family culture across the school

As a result of the trusting relationships between all members of the school community and embedded Christian Values in every aspect of our practice, pupils at Newbold Church School grow into respectful, well behaved and compassionate young people who have an understanding and respect for diversity and difference together with a motivation to help others in their community and beyond.

What it means to be part of our Church School


What our children have to say...

'We learn about kindness and respect and we know how to show it' (Maya)

'Singing hymns makes me feel happy' (Reuben)

'I look forward to going to church with my class. It always feels special' (Lola)


 What our parents have to say...

'All my children have come to NCS. There's a family feel here, and the school is integrated into the community. I like the fact that there are some long-term members of staff here, that contributes to the family feel the school has' (Mrs LM, parent).

'The staff treat my children like their own. I feel listened to whenever I need to talk, and everyone is happy to help' (Mrs L, parent).

'Coming to a church school has encouraged us as a family to explore the church further. We plan to attend some church activities in the near future. I feel that the school has already had a positive impact on my children. They come home and talk about what they have been doing which is pleasing' (Mr C)

'I like the general ethos of the school. It's like being part of a family and it's not just the children that are supported and cared for, it's the parents too. I've had times when I've needed to talk and I've always been listed to' (Mrs K, parent).

'I like the school ethos and Christian nature. I am happy knowing that my child is meeting other adults that share our faith and beliefs. There's a nurturing element here that takes the whole child into consideration' (Mrs C, parent).

What our staff have to say...

'Working here feels like something bigger than just coming to work, it's like being part of a family' (Mrs Passarelli, SENDCO)

'I enjoy being part of the special Newbold Church School Community' (Mrs Wilbourn, HLTA / TA)

'I feel like I am part of a nurturing, caring team and that we pass this on to the children' (Mrs James, TA)

'I've been here for many years now and I feel deeply connected to the school and also to the local community. It's a special place filled with special people' (Mrs Riley, Teacher)

'We live our name here at NCS as we nurture, cherish and help each and every child to succeed' (Mrs Burn, Deputy Head Teacher and Y6 teacher)

'I love working at this school because we look after each other and support each other. It feels like home' (Mrs Thomas, Midday Supervisor/Cleaner)




Church Inspection March 2023




The full report can be accessed by clicking on the link below, however the Inspector did make the following comments:

“The vision empowers high aspirations which have become the norm.”


“A deeply loving and inclusive culture enables all to affirm a sense of everyone being precious to God.”


“...everyone is respected and celebrated as a unique child of God.”


“The school enables all to be the best they can be.”


“The love, unconditional regard and passion for every child to succeed, starts here.”


"Pupils....are proud to belong."


"Behaviour is exemplary."


"The committed and mutually supportive staff, embrace opportunity and challenge.  Their uncompromising dedication, resilience and motivation leaves no stone unturned to ensure that every pupil thrives."


"The school is an oasis of hope for a better future."


"The remarkably harmonious, peaceful an respectful environment of the school is a measure of the positive impact of worship."


 Please click here to see a copy of the report

See below for documents from The Church of England Education Office

Showing 1-4 of 4

Updated August 2023