Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. About Us
  2. Curriculum


At Newbold Church of England Primary School, we put the needs of each child first so that every individual can be the best that they can be. Our bespoke curriculum, designed with the needs of our children in mind, is based around a 'Global Goals' approach to learning.  This means that through a variety of different themed topics, the children in our care not only learn key knowledge and skills to help them progress on their journey through education, but also provides many opportunities for the pupils to understand their role in our society and the world around us.  We hope that our approach teaches children to use the skills and knowledge that they acquire with us to Nurture and Cherish one another, and achieve success by applying their skills and values in all that they do. 

Our school curriculum is underpinned by the following drivers:

  • Well-articulated distinctive Christian values.
  • A focus on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the whole child.
  • A Global Goals focus that gives purpose and instils positive attitudes towards learning in all our children.
  • The premise that all children will receive a personalised curriculum that challenges and extends.

Our curriculum is delivered through: 

  • A combination of a thematic project based approach in 3 termly units, with the freedom to work outside of rigid subject boundaries AND discreet teaching of reading, handwriting, grammar and maths, to meet individual needs effectively.
  • A child centred approach, with enjoyment as a key feature.
  • A clearly mapped curriculum that builds on previous learning.
  • A text rich environment that builds children’s range of vocabulary.
  • A clear progression of skills that run through the whole curriculum including:
    • Social and emotional skills to build independence and resilience.
    • Enquiry skills, including questioning and time management.
    • Problem solving skills.
    • Computing skills.
    • Planned opportunities to revisit key skills and knowledge in order to cement learning and ensure progress 
  • A structure that facilitates quality feedback to pupils through conferencing and marking.
  • High quality support and intervention to meet identified needs quickly, including pre and post teaching,  focus writing support, phonics groups and maths top up.
  • A culture of working together and sharing of ideas, with time for teachers and support staff to plan and evaluate together.

At Newbold Church School we work hard to comply with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 to ensure that the curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs. We use a range of strategies such as:

  • Differentiated tasks and / or differentiated teaching methods
  • A wide range of teaching support materials and classroom resources
  • Teaching assistant support
  • Support from Derbyshire County Council SSSEN support services
  • Ongoing support from visual, physical and hearing impairment teams at Derbyshire County Council and NHS trust
  • Bespoke learning packages where required 

To learn more about the National Curriculum, click here.


The Planning and Delivery of the Curriculum

The time children spend at school is limited therefore we must plan for them to use this time in the best possible way. We use a variety of teaching methods including whole class teaching, group work and individual programmes of study integrated across the curriculum, based on the needs of the individual child. We aim to provide a curriculum which reflects the requirements of the New National Curriculum, is broad balanced  and offers stimulating and memorable learning opportunities.

The learning situations we present will be relevant to the children’s interests and stage of development. Wherever possible they will be stimulated by practical and visual experiences. Our school curriculum is based on the belief that a child learns through listening, seeing, smelling, touching, tasting and experiencing through their many senses, the richness of life. It is the richness that we endeavour to mirror in our School Curriculum.


The overview of our curriculum at Newbold Church of England Primary School

2024/2025 curriculum overview coming soon!