Newbold Church School Curriculum
At Newbold Church of England Primary School, we put the needs of each child first so that every individual can be the best that they can be. Our broad, balanced skills based curriculum makes many links between subjects so that children can use and apply their skills and values in all that they do.
Our school curriculum is underpinned by the following drivers:
- Well-articulated distinctive Christian values.
- A focus on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the whole child.
- A skills based focus that instils positive attitudes towards learning in all our children.
- The premise that all children will receive a personalised curriculum that challenges and extends.
Our curriculum is delivered through:
- A combination of a thematic project based approach in 3 termly units, with the freedom to work outside of rigid subject boundaries AND discreet teaching of reading, handwriting, grammar and maths, to meet individual needs effectively.
- A child centred approach, with enjoyment as a key feature.
- A clearly mapped curriculum that builds on previous learning.
- A text rich environment that builds children’s range of vocabulary.
- A clear progression of skills that run through the whole curriculum including:
- Social and emotional skills to build independence and resilience.
- Enquiry skills, including questioning and time management.
- Problem solving skills.
- Computing skills.
- A structure that facilitates quality ‘next steps’ feedback to pupils through conferencing and marking.
- High quality support and intervention to meet identified needs quickly, including focus writing groups, phonics groups and maths groups.
- A culture of working together and sharing of ideas, with time for teachers and support staff to plan and evaluate together.
The Primary Curriculum divides the whole curriculum into subject areas as follows: –
Core Subjects
Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science and Computing.
Religious Education
As a church school, Religious Education (RE) is a core subject on our curriculum. We base our RE curriculum on the Local Authority Agreed Syllabus, with additional emphasis on giving the children a clear understanding of what we believe as a church school. Enquiry skills, speaking and listening skills and social and emotional skills link across the curriculum. Parents have the right to withdraw children from Religious Education and from school assemblies if they so wish.
At Newbold Church of England Primary School, children are encouraged to develop a broad range of skills in speaking and listening, reading and writing right across the curriculum. Children participate in a daily English lesson in years 1 to 6 and in a wide range of language activities in Reception.
Reading is a vital skill and we encourage parents to join in the excitement of their children learning to read. We use the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme, and supplement this with a wide range of non-scheme books. We have a well-stocked library and children are encouraged to utilise, discuss and recommend books they have read.
Writing skills are a key priority within the school. We emphasise presentation and handwriting skills. Our approach to writing is creative and inclusive and we believe enjoyment should be at the centre of our teaching of the subject. All classes undertake writing for a range of audiences and purpose.
Speaking and listening skills are developed across the whole curriculum; classes regularly have opportunities to discuss and present their work to encourage confidence and self-expression.
Maths is a subject that is both essential and relevant to children and a tool to be used in the real world. It is a key life skill that will help pupils in the future. Maths is a subject that has many cross-curricular links and helps children describe, tackle and solve problems using their knowledge and understanding. It is essential that we give pupils every opportunity to acquire these skills.
We live in an increasingly scientific and technological age where children need to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to prepare them for life in the 21st century. At Newbold Church of England Primary School the teaching of science develops in children an interest and curiosity about the world in which they live, and fosters in them a respect for the environment.
Our Science curriculum encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes. Science promotes communication in a specific and precise language involving mathematical and logical thinking. It allows children to develop ways of finding out for themselves and gives them opportunity for problem solving and investigation.
At Newbold Church of England Primary School, we believe a high-quality computing education equips pupils to understand and change the world through logical thinking and creativity. It also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.
We invest heavily in computing resources at Newbold Church of England Primary School, which includes fifteen computers in our computing area, sets of netbooks / iPads, interactive whiteboards in all classrooms, digital cameras, recording microphones, visualisers, Bee-Bots and a significantly vast and varied array of learning software aimed to enhance teaching and learning across the curriculum!
Early Reading, Phonics and GAPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling)
Phonics is taught daily in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage One using a variety of resources including Jolly Phonics and the Letters and Sounds scheme.
GAPs is taught in daily dedicated sessions throughout Key Stages One and Two.
Foundation Subjects
History, Geography, Art, Music, Design Technology, Personal, Social, Health Education and Physical Education
Modern Foreign Languages
French is currently delivered in Key Stage Two classes by teaching staff.
The Planning and Delivery of the Curriculum
The time children spend at school is limited therefore we must plan for them to use this time in the best possible way. We use a variety of teaching methods including whole class teaching, group work and individual programmes of study integrated across the curriculum, based on the needs of the individual child. We aim to provide a curriculum which reflects the requirements of the New National Curriculum, is broad balanced and skills based and offers stimulating and memorable learning opportunities.
The learning situations we present will be relevant to the children’s interests and stage of development. Wherever possible they will be stimulated by practical and visual experiences. Our school curriculum is based on the belief that a child learns through listening, seeing, smelling, touching, tasting and experiencing through their many senses, the richness of life. It is the richness that we endeavour to mirror in our School Curriculum.
The overview of our curriculum at Newbold Church of England Primary School
Click on any class below to see an overview of the curriculum for the year.
Autumn 2016/2017 Term Overview Letters
These termly curriculum overviews are written by our teachers specifically for parents to give a clear picture of what will be covered in class each term. Please make yourselves aware of these so that you can be well informed to discuss your children’s learning with them.
You can find out more information on the curriculum that we follow at Newbold Church School by clicking here