Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Cranborne Road, Newbold, Chesterfield, S41 8PF

01246 232370

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. Safeguarding
  2. Safeguarding at NCS

Safeguarding at NCS

Newbold Church School is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care.

Our school will support all children by;

  • Promoting a caring, safe and positive environment within the school
  • Encouraging self -esteem and self-assertiveness
  • Effectively tackling bullying and harassment.

We recognise that some children may be the victims of neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse.  Staff working with children are well placed to identify such abuse.

At Newbold Church School in order to protect our children, we aim to:

  • Create an atmosphere where all our children can feel secure, valued and listened to
  • Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse
  • Respond quickly, appropriately and effectively to cases of suspected abuse.   



The designated lead for safeguarding at Newbold Church School is Mrs Kerry Marsh.

The Deputy Designated Lead for Safeguarding at Newbold Church School is Mrs Helen Burn.

Both members of staff can be contacted at school on 01246 232370, or by email via - FAO DSL


What the children say about Safeguarding at NCS....

"There are lots of trusted adults who will listen and try to help you"  Eilah


"Staff members make sure you are safe in school physically, emotionally, mentally and from bullying." Rio


"We are kept safe outside of school by learning about online safety as well as other dangers." Darcy


"The teachers at our school have lots of safeguarding training and they are checked so that Mrs Marsh knows they are safe."  Mason.