Times of the school day
EYFS and KS1
School starts at 8.45am every week day and ends at 3.25pm. This means a school day will last 6 hours and 40 mins for all children in EYFS and KS1. This is 33.3 hours in a standard week.
School starts at 8.45am every week day and ends at 3.30pm. This means a school day will last 6 hours and 45 mins for all children in KS2.This is 33.75 hours in a standard week.
School Jotter
We use School Jotter to communicate with parents and carers, this includes messages from the Headteacher, class teachers and the office. Please ensure this is downloaded and working on your phone. Click here for the guide to downloading Jotter.
Early Help Offer
NCS works to provide Early Help to families in the school community. We work alongside a variety of agencies and are providing support through the school setting.
As part of our Early Help offer, we have 2 Family Resource Workers who aim to give a range of different types of support, face to face help and signposting to our families.
To find out more about our Early Help offer, click here.
Headlice Removal
If your child has headlice there is no requirement to keep them off school as long as you can treat it effectively out of school hours.
We have lots of tips and tricks to help with headlice removal and prevention.
Please click here to see the NHS guide.
Extra Curricular Clubs
Breakfast and Afterschool Club
NCS has its very own breakfast and afterschool club. Please click here for more information about our wraparound care.
Sports Clubs
Qualitas run two sports after school clubs a week catering to both KS1 and KS2 children. Clubs are changed half termly.
School Meals
Newbold Church school has it's own fully equipped on-site kitchen where school lunches are prepared freshly each day.
Currently, a school meal costs £3.25 unless your child is entitled to FSM (check your eligibility here) or is in EYFS, Year 1 or Year 2.
Please click here to see our current dinner menu.
Please click here to find out more about Derbyshire County Council's catering service.
Staying Safe Online
Your child is taught about internet safety and responsible behaviour online through digital literacy and PSHE lessons. They have all taken part in Safer Internet Day activities.
We have a range of advice and information on our website regarding online safety and we urge all parents and carers to read and keep up to date with this advice. Our E-Safety information can be found here.
For guidance on sickness and absence periods, please click here and scroll to the bottom of the page. If you are unsure whether your child should have a period of absence to recover from an illness, please contact the school office.
On-Line Payments
NCS uses SchoolMoney for our on-line payments - be it school dinners, trips or clubs.
For more information on how to use School Money please click here. If you have not used school money before please pop in and see the office and we will send you a start up link.
School Uniform
Please click here to see our school uniform list.
Please click here to see our PE uniform list.
Our school uniform provider is Pinders Schoolwear who are a company based in Aston with a shop in Crystal Peaks. There is an option for your order to be delivered to school for free. PE jackets can also be bought from 3Q Sports.
Children Missing From Education
We are committed to ensuring every child has the opportunity to grow up in a safe community. We are concerned about any child missing education, not only in the way that it impacts on the individual's potential achievement but also in relation to their safety and welfare. The purpose of the CME policy is to ensure that children missing education are reengaged in appropriate education provision in the shortest possible time, with lasting success and that 'no child slips through the net.'
Click here to view the Children missing in education policy, or contact school to make an appointment to meet with the Head Teacher.