Getting ready for Nursery: Tips for Parents
Self -care

- I know when to wash my hands
- I can put on my own coat
- I can wipe my nose
- I can ask for help
Speaking and Literacy
- I am interested in listening to stories and looking at picture books
- I beginning to be able to talk about myself, my needs and feelings
- I am beginning to be able to recognise my name when it is written down
Getting dressed and undressed on my own
- I am trying hard to button and unbutton my clothes
- I can put my own shoes and socks on
- I can put my own coat on and beginning to use the zip
Going to the toilet
- I can go to the toilet on my own, wipe myself properly and flush the toilet.
- I can wash and dry my hands
Sharing and turn taking
- I can share toys and take turns
- I can interact with other children
- I can play games with other children
Counting Skills
- I like saying number rhymes and playing counting games
- I am starting to count objects
- I can recognise some colours
Listening and Understanding
- I am able to sit and listen for a short while
- I can follow a simple instruction
Updated October 2024