Physical Education and School Sport
Newbold Church School aims to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport. Through quality physical education, whole school values and a whole child approach, we aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their personal best. We listen to our children wants and needs and provide them with a range of active experiences and clubs. We want to aid our children in obtaining the values and skills to celebrate and respect the success of others, as well as modestly celebrating their own successes. We aim to ensure that our delivery of physical education allows all children to have the skills and mindset to leave primary school with the capabilities to be successful in their sporting challenges and active lifestyles at secondary school and beyond. We strive to educate both our children and families to develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and make healthy choices. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy minds, as well as bodies and will continue to support our children's well-being.
Finally, here at Newbold Church School, we have an aim of engendering a love of learning, self - believe and aspiration through four key intentions. These are...
- The removal of all barriers
- Develop skills for learning
- The fostering of personal attributes
- Enriching student experiences and broadening horizons
Here at Newbold Church School, our PE Curriculum provides pupils with at least two hours of PE each week, enabling children to succeed in mastering basic skills. At the forefront of our curriculum is the vision that all children, regardless of attainment or potential barriers, access every lesson. Staff are passionate about the undoubted benefits Physical Education, School Sport and exercise have to offer and we aim to pass on these positive attitudes to all pupils.
Throughout the school year, we provide a diverse range of lunchtime and after school clubs and sport tasting activities free of charge. These activities are delivered not only through high quality staff teaching, but also expert external companies and agencies within our local community. We seek our children to understand core sporting principles such as teamwork, respect, sportsmanship, competition and pride. Achievements are regularly celebrated in both class and whole school gatherings, thus raising the profile of PE and School Sport. We hope by celebrating successes of any kind that our children are given a platform to succeed moving forwards.
Curriculum Design
Each year the PE subject lead undertakes a full and comprehensive review of the current scheme of work and its effectiveness for our children. The PE subject lead will then map out the progression of the knowledge and skills across each year group ensuring that each new year builds on previous learning.
At Newbold Church School, we continue to use the excellent Qualitas scheme of work (see below) which forms the basis for our entire PE Curriculum. This high quality curriculum is in line with the 2014 National Curriculum and is something which has proven success with our children. The PE subject lead identifies and selects various sports and activities for each year group to focus on, changing half termly, which ensures all children receive a 'broad and balanced curriculum' by the end of Year 6 and have all their needs met.
The 2014 National Curriculum highlights the importance of developing Physical Literacy at Key Stage 1 focusing on agility, balance and coordination. These three aspects are taught through many different activities such as various games, Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics and other outdoor and adventurous activities. The Qualitas scheme offers high quality learning experiences and effective transition between each Key Stage and year group. The knowledge and skills we want our children to know are built on year by year with progression clearly mapped out.
Our School's Objectives and Aims:
- 2 hours of PE timetabled into each week for every child
- Areas covered: Various games, Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics as well as other outdoor and adventurous activities such as Orienteering. (Kwik Cricket, Hockey, Athletics, Netball and Dance are amongst some to be covered this first half term)
- Swimming for Year 5 (The 2022/23 academic year will see Year 6 partake in swimming as well)
- A comprehensive School Games Programme provided by Qualitas Sport spanning over 20 sports (Please see further down to read news of our new partnership with Qualitas for the 2021/22 year)
- 2 hours of high quality free after-school clubs each week provided by Qualitas
- Intra-school competitions e.g. Competitive Sports Day and Euros Penalty Shootouts
- All children to benefit from brand new equipment for the 2022/23 school year
- Lunchtime sporting activities with specialist coaches from Chesterfield Football Club daily
- Bike-A Mentals sessions delivered to Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 by Qualitas to improve bike competency and awareness of road safety
- Implementation of Cross-Curricular Orienteering scheme and resources (new for 2022/23)
- Equality and Diversity programme for Year 6
- All staff to receive valuable CPD working closely with experts from Chesterfield Football Club and Qualitas to help staff deliver new sports and activities
Teaching and Learning
All teaching is based on the Qualitas PE scheme ensuring there is clear progression inline with the 2014 National Curriculum.
Early Years Foundation Stage - Children at the expected level of development will:
- Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and
others; - Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing;
- Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and
EYFS Qualitas / NCS Dance progression
EYFS Qualitas / NCS Fundamentals progression
EYFS Qualitas / NCS Gymnastics progression
Key Stage 1 - All pupils are taught to...
- Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching
- Developing agility, balance and coordination and applying these to a range of different activities
- Take part in team games and being introduced to simple tactics such as attacking and defending
- Perform dance using simple movements and patterns
KS1 Qualitas / NCS Dance progression
KS1 Qualitas / NCS Athletics progression
Y1 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
Y2 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
KS1 Qualitas / NCS Fundamentals progression
KS1 Qualitas / NCS Gymnastics progression
Key Stage 2 - All pupils are taught to...
- Use running, jumping, throwing and catching in a variety of different scenarios
- Play competitive games and apply tactical principles such as attacking and defending
- Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
- Perform dance using a range of movements and patterns
- Take part in outdoor/challenging activities both individually and in teams
KS2 Qualitas / NCS Dance progression
KS2 Qualitas / NCS Athletics progression
Year 3 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Qualitas / NCS Games progression
Swimming and Water Safety - All Year 4/5 pupils are taught to...
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m
- Use a range of strokes effectively e.g. front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly)
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water based scenarios
It is compulsory for Year 5 and Year 4 children to attend 10 Swimming sessions weekly in order to achieve their National Curriculum badge. Swimming lessons to be provided by teaching staff and Qualitas coaches.
The Rules of the Game at NCS!
Supporting Children with SEND to access all elements of the PE sessions
All PE sessions are planned to ensure that all children are able to access all elements. Specific adaptations to resources and equipment are made to allow all children full access and opportunity to participate.
Where children need 1-1 support with a TA to be able to fully engage in the PE sessions, this will be provided.
As part of our monitoring processes we ensure that children with SEND are able to fully access all aspects of the PE curriculum.
Pupil Premium Children
As part of our monitoring processes we ensure that children in the receipt of Pupil Premium are able to fully access all aspects of the PE curriculum.
From EYFS to Year 6, children are assessed against the Qualitas Assessment tool which matches each one of the attainment targets set out in the PE National Curriculum. The Assessment tool allows the PE Lead and Class Teachers to monitor and measure the progress of all children in our school in each broken down skill and activity. Teachers conduct a pre-task informal assessment and post task informal assessment to identify whether children are working towards, at or greater depth against each assessment target.
Experience in PE should provide a depth of learning in a positive and engaging environment. Basic underlying principles and skills will have been practised and opportunities to develop these into more complex processes. Pupils will be confident to try new things and take risks. They will be able to make quick decisions and choices when planning tasks or performances. They will have a range of strategies for solving problems and show resilience to keep going when they find things difficult. Pupils will understand the benefits of working in different group dynamics. They will have the confidence to lead and support others. They will understand the importance of physical activity in a wider context and possess the skills and enthusiasm to develop their learning further.
Working in Partnership with Qualitas Sports
Qualitas Mission Statement
Our P.E. curriculum has been developed to provide teachers the necessary tools to deliver high quality P.E. sessions, with the aim of inspiring and developing children skills and knowledge. The scheme of work aims to make sessions fun and promote a love of learning of Physical activities that inspire pupils into a lifelong participation in sport and a healthy active lifestyle. It provides challenging sessions across Key Stage 2 covering a range of sports, games, gymnastics, athletics, dance, and outdoor adventurous activities.
The Qualitas Intent
The Qualitas aim is to provide a planned sequence of lessons that assist teachers of every ability and provides them the tools to meet the PE National Curriculum outcomes in a fun, safe and challenging manner. The scheme sets out a broad and progressive syllabus and meets the needs of children of all abilities across their Key Stage 1 journey. The scheme provides the opportunity for children to develop their skills and knowledge in a wide range of activities, along with promoting the importance of health and fitness as well as allowing them the chance to evaluate their own performance as well as their peers. Differentiation of activities in the scheme allow for children of all ability levels the opportunity to access the skills and activities and provides them the opportunity to shine. Our aim at Qualitas is to inspire pupils into a lifelong participation in sport and a healthy active lifestyle, along with providing a challenging experience that enables young children to experience success and enjoyment and promote the key values of teamwork, determination, honesty, respect leadership and self-belief.
The Qualitas Implementation
The Qualitas aim is to provide detailed lesson plans that provide the educator the skills and subject knowledge necessary to deliver high quality first teaching for all aspects of the P.E. National Curriculum. The carefully constructed scheme helps assist the educator in providing progression, challenges and helps the educator build on their background knowledge of a range of activities through a range of illustrations, technical vocabulary and guidance notes. The scheme allows flexibility for educators not to follow the scheme rigidly and to use their own skills to enhance the learning outcomes. The scheme encourages the education setting to follow the Government guidelines in providing at least 2 hours of quality PE for all children. In the Scheme it provides a consistency in the routines followed such as an introduction, warm up, skill development, cool down and chance to reflect through a plenary. It allows the opportunity for children to perform key P.E. objectives, in a safe and challenging manner, work individually, in pairs or as part of a team and receive constructive feedback throughout.
The Qualitas Impact
The Qualitas scheme is designed so that children receive a broad variety of physical activities with new schemes added to further enhance the provision. Progression across the key stage allows for children to be challenged at appropriate age-related activities throughout the scheme. The scheme allows for cross curriculum links to be applied in a range of topic areas such as maths, design and technology, science, computing and PSHE. Children will be immersed in specific physical education vocabulary to develop their overall understanding of P.E. year on year and help encourage them to ultimately create a higher level of understanding and engagement. The scheme will also look to promote a greater level of confidence in children’s own ability and encourage participation in extra-curricular activities and help them to showcase their own skills in internal and external sporting competitions.
2023/24 and Qualitas Sport
This academic year we are delighted to be working in partnership with Qualitas Sport in a wide range of areas to provide our children with greater opportunities to partake in both competitive and non-competitive sports within a cluster of other schools in the area.
- Newbold Church School will be participating in the Qualitas School Sports Partnership for 2023/24 which will see our children participate in a wide range of inter-school events spanning over 20+ sports (such as Fencing, Crown Green Bowls, Short Tennis, Benchball etc)
- These inter-school events are in both festival and competition format
- Children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to participate in seasonal inter-school fixtures within our cluster over the academic year across a range of sports
- Qualitas to work with our children for 2 hours each week in after-school clubs to both increase skills/knowledge of sports and help foster that love of sport and exercise (after school clubs include Netball, Gymnastics, Invasion Games etc)
- Children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to participate in both Beginner and Intermediate Bike A-Mentals programmes to improve bike competency and raise awareness of road safety
- Our Year 6 children will undertake the Equality and Diversity programme delivered by Qualitas.
- Y3 Mini Medics
- Y5 Mini Leaders
Futsal Competition October 2023 - Group Winners!
The Primary AIM of this event was to provide an opportunity for students to experience FUTSAL. The event was a competition; however, we also wanted to promote the fast paced and skilful football based game.
• For the pupils to learn and experience the game of FUTSAL
• For the pupils to learn, practice and develop their Football skills / tactics.
• To develop their teamwork and social skills.
• Most importantly, for pupils to have FUN.
What a fabulous morning was had by our school futsal team! 9 boys and 1 girl, having spent the past 5 weeks preparing for the competition, arrived bright and early at the venue, ready to show off our skills and enjoy a morning out of school.
Nerves soon dissolved when we won the first match of the day 5-1, (Evans x 4, Durojaiye). Moving quickly on to the next match, the team maintained their win with another success 2-1 to us! ( Mangezi, Durojaiye). After a refreshment break, the third match of the morning proved to be a greater challenge, and the team took their only group stage defeat 2-1 ( Durojaiye). However, they pulled themselves together after a rousing team talk, finishing group stages with a massive 4-1 win (Durojaiye x3, Mills).
The team were delighted to find they had won their group stage, and took their places on the pitch for the semi final. The game was a real battle, the teams matching each other player for player, with some unlucky misses for the Newbold crew. The opposition was strong, and went into the lead with an early goal. Durojaiye soon found his break, and equalised to 1-1. However, the opposition managed to sneak in a lucky goal, leaving the match at a 2-1 loss for Newbold.
Whilst the team was disappointed, they went on to enjoy a final friendly of the day, demonstrating superb sportsmanship and tenacity in their approach. Both Mrs Marsh and Miss Sargeant, who accompanied the team, returned to school extremely proud of their players, having enjoyed watching some skillful outfield moves, determined defending and brave goal keeping. Well done to all involved!
Sports Hall Athletics Competition
A team of 10 children from Years 4,5 and 6 visited Alfreton Sports centre to take part in the Qualitas Sports Hall Athletics competition on the morning of Thursday 16th November 2023. Having only has 1 opportunity to prepare for the event, the team were a little nervous of what the day might hold, but determined to give their best and enjoy every moment. The Qualitas team had prepared 8 different events in which all the children participated, ranging from shuttle runs and speed bounce, to javelin and target throw. In a morning that proved to be fast paced, energetic and extremely tiring, the team gave their very best at every station, and participated with resilience and determination. Most importantly they all proved to be great sports men and women, congratulating opponents for showing good skill, and helping teams undertake more complex activities.
The morning finished with 3 relay races - a school event, a boys relay and a girls relay. In all three races the team battled hard, determined not to let their team mates down, and cheered one another on for glee. A huge shout out goes to Hollie for her flexibility in standing in to support other team mates.
It's safe to say that the children involved returned to school tired but content, having secured a great performance in the event.
Fencing Event
Invasion Games Event
Gymnastics Event
Page last updated February 2024