Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. Gallery
  2. Page for Nursery
  3. Summer 1 2024

Summer 1 2024



We released the butterflies. The children sang our butterfly song to encourage them to fly away.
We will look out for them when we go back to forest school.

Dear zoo 

This is one of our core books.

The zoo send a series of unsuitable pets, revealed behind flaps in the form of crates and packing cases. These animals are all sent back for different reasons, except the last one, which is perfect!

We have had lots of fun exploring outside and inside. Building dens, finding minibeasts, rolling balls down ramps, making marks and watching our caterpillars grow.

Story dough 

enjoying making characters out of dough, inventing traps and drawing codes.