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Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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  3. Reception Summer Half-term 2 2023

Summer 2


Where I live, Maps and Transitions  

Handa's Surprise by Eileen Browne

This is one of Reception's key texts and the children have been learning all about Handa, her walk to see her friend and the African environment around her. The children have related this to the book we read in Spring Term, The Ugly Five and some of the animals Flynn saw on his adventures in Africa. 

Carrying Handa's Basket

We have been exploring the key text Handa's Surprise. Today we talked about how Handa carried her basket, and how this is different to how we carry our fruit and book bags. The children tried to carry the class fruit basket on their heads. This wasn't as easy as we thought it would be! 

Trying Handa's fruits

Today we tried some of the fruits from Handa's basket. We had a think about what the fruits may look like inside, how we know it is a fruit because of the seeds and then we explored how the fruits tasted. The children were amazed with the avocado and how green it was inside. They loved to see how big the "seed" was inside the fruit. Some children liked the avocado, some didn't, but we all tried it! 

Meeting the Beekeepers and their Bees

Miss Taylor organised a special assembly today. We met 2 beekeepers and heard all about how important bees are to the ecosystem and the planet's survival, as well as being vital for us to continue to have chocolate and crisps!!

The children then were able to look at and listen to a beehive. They also tried some of the bee's honey!

DT day - Making Boats

Today we learnt all about different types of boats, different parts of the boat (such as anchors, oars, propeller, cabins) and what the boats are used for. We conducted an experiment to see which materials float and which sink and we learnt a new word "density". 

The children designed their boats, thought about the best materials to use to make it, then had a go at making them. The children all worked independently using the skills we have developed throughout the year. 

PE - Yoga 

We have been learning how to be flexible, stretch and breathe using a fun yoga session. The children were able to follow the guided session, get into the different positions and also take time to just 'be' at the end of the session. 

PE - Throwing and Catching

As part of our PE unit this half term we have been practicing our throwing and catching skills with beanbags. We practiced throwing to our friends and catching the beanbags thrown, then we had a go at throwing it the furthest. 

Releasing the Butterflies

Monday 12th June

Today we set out butterflies free. We had to be very careful not to hurt their wings as they came out the net. They flew off looking for nectar to help them grow stronger. 

Literacy Key Text 

Henry's Map by David Elliot

As an introduction to maps, this book explores how Henry the Pig likes to know where everything is in the farm. He plots it all on a map for all the animals to see. 

Class Trip to the Butterfly Farm

5th June 2023

Our class trip this year was to visit the Butterfly Farm near Sheffield. We went on a coach and we looked at all the animals and birds around the park, including owls, giant tortoise, meerkats and parrots. We visited the Butterfly House where we were able to stand still and let the butterflies land on us. We listened to one of the park keepers who talked to us about creatures with feathers, fur and scales and why different animals have different coats. 

We enjoyed our packed lunch of course, and we even got to visit the play area to use the cars, trikes and climbing area.